An Updated Look At Artist Merch Trends In 2024

An Updated Look At Artist Merch Trends In 2024

The touring season is in full swing, and we are sharing insights into the 2024 artist merchandise trends. We are exploring fan attendance and comparing it to last year, analyzing what that means for your genre and merchandise sales, and identifying new items that you should consider adding to your product line. Let's get started!


  • Avg $/head for the industry is consistent to 2023.
  • Average concert attendance is mostly consistent with 2023. By capacity grouping, there are differences within 1.5K-10K venues with 5-7% lower attendance than 2023. All others are equal to or higher.
  • K-Pop continues to dominate merch sales with it's average $/head going up +13% from 2023

Overall Average $/Head In 2024

2024 $/Head
2023 $/Head

Are fewer fans attending concerts in 2024?

Overall, no but by capacity grouping we are seeing differences from last year. Venues with a capacity of 1.5K to 10K average 5-7% lower attendance, while small-cap and 10K-20K venues are seeing a 5-6% increase. 

Are we seeing a similar shift in $/head by capacity grouping? 

No. The capacity groupings with a lower average attendance volume to 2023 have a comparable or slightly higher $/head. So, although there may be a slight dip in average attendance for some shows, the fans that go are buying merchandise.

How has attendance and average $/head changed by genre?

Some genres have seen a slight decline in average attendance but all have comparable or higher average $/head to 2023, except hip-hop/rap.

Top Selling Items by Genre (By # Sold)

T-shirts continue to be the most popular item, making up over 50% of items sold. Hats are among the top 5 items across all genres, and non-apparel items such as koozies, tote bags, stickers, and light sticks (k-pop genre specifically) continue to gain popularity across most genres.

Stay tuned as we will give another update later this year on whether these trends continue through 2024.


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